Research Proposal Submitted in partial fulfilment of the Requirements for the course Public Opinion Research
Princess Ellen Grace M. Villafuerte
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Research 3-1
First Semester, AY 2014-2015
In a rapidly increasing healthcare costs, health insurance seem to be a must today. Health insurance is an agreement between the beneficiary and the insurance company. Plans are availed and in occasions of sicknesses and need for hospitalization, the insurance company will cover a fraction of the beneficiaries’ medical costs. The Philippine government, in order to widen the scope of coverage in the country established PhilHealth, directed by the Republic Act 7875, or National Health Insurance Act of 1995. It is mandated to provide universal health insurance coverage and ensure affordable, acceptable, available and accessible health care services for all citizens of the Philippines (RA 7875). While the target of this established law is to provide health insurance for everyone, however, as of 2013, Philippines has only 81% of health insurance enrollees in their program (PMA questions… 2013). Despite such pace, evidences reveal that government health insurance is falling short of its equity goals, with lower enrolment among the poor. Only 21% in the poorest quintile have access to health insurance while access of the richest quintile is at 65% (Lago et al., 2013). Furthermore, literature has identified a range of barriers and determinants known to influence enrolment, with a focus on demographic and socio-economic characteristics (Appia, et al., 2011). However, few studies have explored the perception on health insurance of students. Also, there are not many literatures that study the association of perception on health insurance enrolment, as well as the difference between the perception on health
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