Delgado-Hernandez, D., & Aspinwall, E. (2008). A framework for building quality into construction projects - Part I. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 19(10), 1013-1028.…
Many clients to the construction industry will often face a steep learning curve on their construction project or programme. To establish a valid and robust procurement strategy at the outset is considered a key aspect to achieving a successful outcome to their business or organisation objectives. A significant number of clients come into the category of either being described as occasional or inexperienced. They will rely on their appointed professionals to assist in their selection of the best-suited procurement path.…
Of this week's video segments - Ford, Metro Bakery, and - how are their approaches to performance evaluation and performance management different? How are they similar?…
SUMMARY Several influential industry reports have pointed out that a decline in construction quality and productivity could be attributed to the performance of subcontractors who are entrusted to complete the actual works, yet subcontractor performance appraisal is a much neglected subject in construction. To facilitate subcontractor registration, management and/or selection, an equitable and reliable subcontractor performance appraisal would be indispensable. Being regarded as a reliable and practical means for performance evaluation, the balanced scorecard should have a high potential for improving the quality subcontractor appraisal decisions. This paper discusses the issues in developing a balanced scorecard model for subcontractor performance appraisal. The current practice of appraising subcontractor performance begin is first outlined. It is then followed by introducing the research methodology. The structure of the balanced scorecard model for subcontractor performance appraisal is proposed. Finally, a prototype Internet-based model for appraising subcontractors based on the balanced scorecard concept is presented. The initial results indicate that it is possible to establish a balanced scorecard model to formalise the subcontractor performance appraisal decisions.…
Edum-Fotwe, F. T. , R. McCaffer. 2000. Developing project management competency: Perspectives from the construction industry. International Journal of Project Management 18 (2): 111-24. ScienceDirect Online. (accessed March 16, 2010)…
1. what is? Involves the identification—what areas of work should be exam, should focus on performance that affects organizational success…
LAI, I. K. W. (2010). Perception of Various performance criteria by stateholders in the construction sector in Hong kong.…
References: Chini, A. R., & Valdez, H. E. (2003). ISO 9000 and the U.S. Construction Industry. Journal Of Management In Engineering, 19(2), 69. DOI 10.1061/ (ASCE) 0742-596x (2003) 19:2 (69).…
There is a clear inconsistency in the claim that Performance Indicator (PI) offers significant profit uplift potential for golf ball manufacturers and the fact that no single manufacturer is yet to adopt the technology. This memo discusses the key arguments on why this is the case.…
In the last few decades, the quest for continuous improvement and innovation has led to the discovery of new approaches to best practice by different players in the construction industry in the United Kingdom. These efforts have been initiated with the view to increase understanding of the needs of key business areas as well as increase client, users and stakeholders ' value. In this regard experts in the field of construction have proposed "rethinking of construction" (Egan 1998) by strategically rethinking operational stages in order to decrease cost and improve performance. One of these strategic operational stages, called the briefing process has perked the interests of the researcher in the course of producing a report on value management. During a research of a case study on ABC, the researcher has observed that without a clearly defined and articulated brief, the concept of "client value" can alter with each individual 's perception. Such alterations can have a deep impact on the quality and the performance of construction projects.…
Kloppenberg, T. and Opfer, W.A. The current state of project management research: trends, interpretations and predictions, Project Management Journal, 2002, 33(2): 5-19…
The first key characteristic of a good performance measurement system is that it cares about optimization rather than suboptimization. Under a good performance measurement system, an organization is viewed as a whole system which each part interrelated and interdependent. When making decisions, employees would take other departments into account and make sure their decisions is good to the whole company. Let me imagine the example of engine and transmission, if the company adopts a better performance measurement system, that is, management measures the overall results departments make together rather than the results each department make, I’m sure the engine department would not reject the proposal. Adding $30 to the engine cost seems unwise for the engine department, but it saves $80 on the transmission components, so the overall result will be saving $50 per component! Implementing the proposal could save a huge amount of money for the company. This is a win-win model. If the performance measurement system do not pay attention the optimization of the whole company, and management still use the whole equals to sum of the each part assumption, it would turn out to be a win-lose model.…
Abstract: The stakes for the Project Manager have never been higher. Many still doubt the efficacy of the tools and processes espoused by the rapidly-growing membership of the world’s largest and fastest-growing project management professional organization and seek to tarnish its accomplishments by imputing that the profession is simply one of a long line of professional fads that is overly-burdened and preoccupied with descriptive phrases, jargon and/or ”buzz words”. Yet some highly-effective tools for accomplishing solid improvements in Total Investment Cost (TIC) and Return On Investment (ROI), which are the basic business-related reasons for performing projects in the first place, are not consistently known and/or employed by many project managers nor by the management or stakeholders that they represent. This paper will attempt to tie the concepts of Front End Loading and Constructability Reviews into the Project Management Institute’s PMBOK-oriented processes in order to provide the Project Manager with justification, rationale and some quantifiable metrics for selling improved project management processes that start at the “front end” (Concept and Development stages), where so much opportunity to achieve cost-effective results is often squandered. Front End Loading: In July of 2002, an article appeared in the trade magazine “Hydrocarbon Engineering” that asserted the following: • • • • • As much as 80% of costs are committed during the Conceptual (“Initiation” & “Definition”) phase(s) of a project, Poor management of the design phase affects every stage of the project lifecycle, 80% of design changes are caused by a lack of data or the wrong data, Design Engineers spend between 30% and 50% of their time looking for…
for building project in Malaysia is still limited if compared to CIDB 's target. In view…