Given below are the common perceptual errors that blocks our everyday decision making and objectivity in assessing people and circumstances in our lives
1) Self Serving Biases: The Self Serving Bias refers to individuals taking responsibility for successful task outcomes but blaming circumstances or other persons for failed task out - comes Fo r example , students will take credit for passing a difficult examination but will attribute failing the examination to its difficulty or the instructor's tough grading policy. This leads to giving out judgments which are in favor of self benefit without taking into consideration the other stakeholders which might get effected directly or indirectly with the decision
2) Similarity Syndrome: We as humans with a logical mind have a natural tendency to compare the situations or individuals with something similar to what we are currently experiencing. This similarity which may or may not be true blocks the correct inception of the object under consideration. It is our preconceived mind with millions of things under processing creates a kind of blockade towards objectivity
3) Detached Perceptive: Giving out an opinions or assessment towards without being concern about the situation and stakeholders under some organizational or circumstantial compulsion would be place under the perceptual error of detached perception which blocks us from being objective.
4) First Impression is the last Expression: As well said in the saying which is true to some extent but cannot be followed as a rule as might be the case of a wrong timing or a single event of failure / success which might prevent us from taking a correct opinion .thus a prolonged behavior under observation can only lead to a objective assessment of individuals.
5) Past Experiences: A troubled childhood, a shocking incident, an