It was tough to pick only two items from the list, as each listed item is connected and works as a continuous process completing the ultimate performance goals and competencies for employees, which ultimately helps the success or failure of a company.
Strategic Relevance - is a valuable tool, and when used correctly helps to measure how well employee understands and is completing their job in relation to the standard ratio the company has set. If an employee is not meeting production standards, they are not an asset to the company. The company could lose money, customers, vendors, etcetera by the results of the strategic relevance. However, through performance appraisals it could be determined the employee would be advantageous in another department.
Compliance with the Law – This item is cut and dry, because one is dealing with the law. If one does not follow the standards set by law, then the company faces huge amounts of money loss, due to receiving fines and possibly forced to shutdown. Not to confuse state mandate laws with job performance appraisals, the courts have clearly stated there specific job standards redesigned to remove elusive and bias elements for self-interpretation.
Performance appraisals developed through job analysis have evolved into the standard set of guidelines approved by each state, depending on the actual job one has obtained.
For example: • Performance appraisals must be job-related, not personal • A copy of the written job standard be given to the employee, before the performance appraisal • Person conducting the performance appraisal must have knowledge of the