Performance-enhancers are becoming more common in our everyday life, despite our efforts to ban them. This raises the questions, should we just accept these drugs and use them to our advantage? Or should we continue to resist these drugs and not take advantage of their performance-enhancing capabilities? When you start talking about organizations like the military, where Soldiers are ask to go beyond the normal physical and mental stress of a regular work day in a combat environment. Performance-enhancers could be a real advantage on the battle field. When you are talking about a managers and employees performing without getting fatigue and having the added ability to perform at a higher level, then performance-enhancers becomes an advantage that can help an organization stay ahead of their competitors. These performance-enhancing drugs could be what are needed to reduce battle fatigue and reduce casualties on the battlefield. Also they could be what are needed to keep American organizations ahead of other organizations in the world.
Performance-enhancing drugs are nothing new the workplace. For years people have been using performance-enhancing drugs without giving it one thought, some people without even knowing that they are even using performance-enhancing drugs. I am talking about substances like vitamins and protein supplements which are never classified as performance enhancers despite their significant effects that they have on one’s performance. You could also add coffee and soda to this list because they contain caffeine, which is considered a performance enhancer by some athletic authorities. These examples of performance-enhancing drugs have been an acceptable business practice and for some a way of life. Imagine a coffee drinker without that morning “Cup of Joe”. For some, the day doesn’t begin until they have had that first cup! And this has an effect on their overall performance.
The phrase "Cup