Performance management at Network Solutions , Inc.
1. Overall, what is the overlap between Network Solutions’ system and ideal system? * The Network solutions want to align their employees¶ goals with the organizational * Another overlap was the standardization of the performance management system at all the divisions. * developmental programs for the employees to enhance their performance. * Two-way communication was encouraged so that managers and employees can share positive and negative about the performance. * The rating system which was the core part which evaluates each employee with the rating of 1, 2 or 3. * To rectify the policies and practices continuous checks were made at different intervals
2. What are the features of the system implemented at Network Solutions that correspond to the features of the ideal characteristics? Which of the ideal characteristics are missing? For which of the ideal characteristics do we need additional information to evaluate whether they are part of the system at Network Solutions?
The features of the system implemented at Network Solutions correspond to what is described as ideal characteristics are as follows: * Strategic congruence:
The design team is initiated by creating the performance management system by aligning individual goals with organizational goals and by focusing on the development of all the employees . * Practicality:
Implementing performance system is time consuming and expensive but the design team made the senior leadership agreed upon it as they would be evaluating all their employees performance. * Standardization:
As design team already convinced the senior leadership to stop all the other development programs which were 50 programs, basically the idea was the standardization of evaluating performance across all divisions * Acceptability and fairness:
The employees knew that they will be awarded or penalized according to their