By: Juemori Davis
Jose de san martin has made major revolution in Argentina, Chile, and Spain. These revolutions have affected not only the countries but also the entire world at large.
Jose de san martin was great Argentinian leader. He was born Jose Francisco de san martin on February 25, 1778 in Yapeyu, which is in the Argentine province. With his father being the general of Argentina at the time and his mother being the niece of a conqueror, he was destined for a political future. As a child he had no real sights on his father because he was always dealing with political matters.
In his early years Jose and his family moved to Spain, where his life was destined to unfold. At the young age of just seven he was entered into the infantry regiment of Murcia. His first taste of power came during a slave revolution in Oran, North Africa. He helped to liberate that area of its slave owners because slavery was unlawful. Later attempts, by Jose, to become leader in Spain had failed greatly. With that not working out he moved back to his hometown, Buenos Aires. With a military status under his belt he was a great asset to Argentina. The First Triumvirate gave him the status of Lieutenant Colonel of cavalry. They tried him out because the cavalry had bad leaders in the past. Buenos Aires was a very weak city, and was kept under his control but his main duty was the military. When the French revolution hit, Spain and France became good allies. During this time He married a 14-year-old girl by the name of Maria de los remedios de Escalada. Jose’s lodge organized the revolution of October 8, 1812 mainly because the terms of office for the triumvirate between Manuel de Sarratea and Feliciano Chiclana had ended.
Later he went on to liberate Chile but his attempts were futile. A man named Bernard O Higgins overthrew him. He recaptured Chile when Higgins fled and by defeating the royalist commander Rafael Moroto. Moroto had 2450 men and 5