This is to certify that the dissertation (MCA-331) entitled Performance Testing done by CHIRAG GADHOCK, Roll No. 07915904409 is an authentic work carried out by her under my guidance. The matter embodied in this project work has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of the Guide
ASST. Professor
I, Chirag Gadhock take this opportunity to acknowledge our great debt and to express our deep sense of gratitude to Ms. , our ever guiding and ever helping lecturer to have inspired me undertake this project work and for his painstaking efforts in helping and encouraging us in bringing out this project successfully.
Performance testing is one of the vital activities spanning the whole life cycle of software engineering. While there are a considerable number of performance testing products and open source tools available, they are either too expensive and complicated for small projects, or too specific and simple for diverse performance tests. This paper presents a general-purpose testing framework for both simple and small, and complicated and large-scale performance testing. This project focuses on framework proposes an abstraction to facilitate performance testing by separating the application logic from the common performance testing functionalities. This leads to a set of general-purpose data models and components, which form the core of the framework.
|Figure 3.1 |Iterative Performance Testing Activities |16 |
|Figure 3.2 |Relationship to Core Performance Testing
Bibliography: Software Engineering: Principles and Practice McGraw Hill, 2004, ISBN 0070583712 Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge - 2004 version IEEE, 2004, ISBN 0-7695-2330-7 Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Conquering Complex and Changing Systems, Prentice Hall, 1999, ISBN 0134897250 Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Volume 1 Marvin C