In “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” by Stephen Chbosky, Charlie, a freshman in high school, grows from being someone who sits by and watches life, to a person who fully participates in life. Charlie’s personality changes a lot through the book. He starts off as a person who sits back and watches all the people and situations in life around him pass him by. This continues until his teacher, Bill, convinces him that it is important to participate in life and not just be an observer. That conversation was life-changing for Charlie. It was not until Charlie’s conversation with Bill that Charlie really began living his life and changing for the better.
At the beginning of the book, Charlie’s normal day consists of him walking around observing other people. He constantly speculates about the people he knows and how they are feeling. He wonders what their lives are like and what they were thinking about him, about other people, and about their situations. Charlie tells about his typical day at school, “I look at teachers and wonder why they’re here. If they life their job. Or us. And I wonder how smart they were when they were fifteen. Not in a mean way. In a curious way. It’s like looking at all the students and wondering who’s had their heart broken that day, and how they are able to cope with having three quizzes and a book report due on top of that. Or wondering who did the heart breaking. And wondering why (Chbosky 23).
Charlie explains that he never actually talks to the people at his school or interacts with them. He just keeps to himself and minds his own business as if he were a “wallflower.” Charlie looks in on everyone else and observes their