Nekesha B. Williams
Environmental Science 200
28 February 2015
Extra Credit Assignment #1 - Permaculture
In the documentary “Green Gold” by John D. Liu, he interprets an ideal world notion in stimulating details on how collaborations can be well established between humanity and landscapes that has a bounty of biomass and aridity areas. Although the Earths resources are limited, every twelve years the population continues to increase by a billion. Mankind can rehabilitate and restore balance on vast crops of the bionomics that has been altered by human activity. The purpose of permaculture is to blossom a ground until it has conquered the necessities of its inhabitants which includes shelter, fuel and food. It emphasizes on the utilization of native trees and focus less more on agriculture. Farmers could produce more using fewer resources. Permaculture farms are organic and biodiverse with technique uses such as water harvesting, intercropping trees, planting perennials and resource recycling. It is a designed system rather than recreated model which makes it a harder duty to adopt typical agricultural projects (Conrad 4). Individuals are fully capable of reconstructing and revamping landscapes to functionality. Fertility can be restored and improved generation upon generation. Lives can be literally saved, carbon is sequestered, and most importantly ecosystem resiliency improves. In China, Seven thousand years of exploration agriculture had destroyed the landscape. The grazing of animals on the slopes made it impossible for nature to grow and rainfalls no longer seeked into the Earth but instead washed down the hillsides taking the soil along with it which annihilated its fertility. The light unprotected soil is also swept into the winds causing dust storms over China’s cities and its borders. Also in Jordan and Ethiopia deserts are advancing and water is becoming more scarce. Centuries of poor