
Perr Murray On Real Education Summary

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Perr Murray On Real Education Summary
In the modern knowledge-based society, it is vitally important to possess confidence, practical expertise, career prospects as well as social skills. Attaining this benefits necessitate an advanced level of education. Today, college education is enabling individuals to have high paying jobs in esteemed positions in the public and private sectors. In fact, college education does not only provide cognitive skills but also provide an opportunity to gain autonomy and develop a unique career path. More so, the experiences in the institution of higher learning help students to have a personal development and get exposed to diverse ideas and people. In Murray’s “What’s Wrong with Vocational School?,” he argues that college education has little significance to the society, and that it is only appropriate to people with high intelligence quotient. In “On ‘Real Education’-II”, …show more content…
Conversely, Perry convinces us that even the low-paid and low-skilled occupations wild demand an advanced analytical skills that cannot provided in high school or vocational training institutional. Murray implies that the government has erroneously promoted college education by making scholarship and loan easily accessible by students. Perry’s viewpoint is that the government has moral obligation of ensuring that the workforce acquires more knowledge and relevant skills in the dynamic world. He adds that America is lagging behind in the number of students completing universities while other countries are far much ahead. In fact, he shows that there will be a deficiency of about 16 million graduates in America by 2025 if the appropriate measures are put in place. While Murray is recommending for a higher emphasis on vocational training, Perry adopts a holistic approach, showing that both vocational and university are indispensable in the modern competitive world (Perry

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