The box of chocolate analogy proves that some relations could very easily be established by assumption. But again, it would only be an assumption. There is no way we could know if the correlation really exists unless we physically experience. In this case, there is no way we could know that the filling is caramel, given that the swirl on top is caramel, unless we bite into the candy. In the same manner, there is no way we could know someone’s soul unless we can perceive it. This is physically impossible due to the fact that one’s soul is immaterial. Sam had eaten a bunch of the same candy before, so by experience he knew the filling would be caramel. He had never had a bite of Gretchen’s soul before to know it would be the same soul in a probable meeting at a different time.
Question 2 – Second Night:
1. The first night Sam and Gretchen are speculating upon whether the soul is one’s identity or his body. The second night Sam defends the theory that neither one is. He examines the person’s identity as a composition of different parts or stretches connected to form a whole, regardless of whether the “same immaterial soul or the same body is involved” (Perry, 378). Those stages are the person’s consciousness at different times, which connected in a certain way form the whole, that is to say the person’s identity. To illustrate that, Sam uses the example of the “Blue River”. He points out that even though one could be looking at the river at a different time of day from a different position now than he did before it is still the same river. The water might be dirtier, deeper or shallower; the banks might be straighter or curvier, nevertheless, it is still the Blue River. The different stretches of it are connected by other stretches to form the whole river. In the same manner, one has different states of consciousness which connected with other different states of his consciousness form the whole of the person, or his identity. Very often people tend to analyze the different parts of one’s identity and seem to ignore the whole. Another illustrative example that Sam provides is a baseball game. The game itself has different parts, different innings. We might leave the game for ten minutes and when we come back a new inning has begun. It is a new part of the game; nevertheless it is still the same game. Similarly, people go through phases of their life, they change moods, they change opinions, they learn and get to know more; their bodies change. Overall, they are still the same people they were before. It is the same whole consisted of many different parts or person-stages.
In order for those parts to form a whole, a relative connection is necessary. Sam, given Locke’s example, suggests that this relative connection is memory: “He (Locke) suggests that the relation between two person-stages or stretches of consciousness that makes them stages of a single person is just that the later one contains memories of the earlier one.” (Perry, 378) Being able to remember previous stages of consciousness is what makes one the person he is at the time of remembering. According to Sam, one would survive after death because he keeps his identity by remembering all his stages of consciousness. It is memory that makes us who we are.