Notably, Perseus has the determination to kill Medusa as a man. To kill such a creature by himself and as man is highly respectable. This shows that Perseus is not only a strong warrior, …show more content…
Perseus uses the head to turn Polydectes into stone, saving his mom from having to marry him. By doing this, all of the old kings subjects were free. Instead of using Medusa's head to kill and become a king, he gave it to Athena. Perseus even appoints Dectes, the person who found him, to be the new king. This shows that Perseus was not a selfish man.
Most importantly, Perseus what he did without a father figure in his life. Perseus could have just killed all who opposed him and became a greedy ruler. Zeus did not have much of a relationship with his son. It is commendable that Perseus did good and was a selfless person with the guidance from a father. Perseus chooses to live a life with Andromeda instead of ruling after he killed Polydectes. Perseus also could have chose to become a god but he didn't. Perseus thought of others and eventually found happiness with Andromeda.
Perseus will always be respected because of his selfless actions. Perseus did right although he did have a father, he used Medusa's head in good ways, and accomplished everything he did as man. In the end, Perseus lived happily with Andromeda. It's because of Perseus's actions why he will always be a