This event was very tough especially since she had lost two of her daughters ten years before when she fell down the stairs still pregnant with the twin girls named Rhonda and Vhonda. One night in 1975 her daughter started to throw up a lot and then started to have serious seizures. My grandmother rushed her daughter Jill to the hospital with her hand in Jill’s mouth since she was having seizures and could possibly bite the tip of her tongue off. Once they arrived at the emergency room my grandmother was forced to leave my mom, who was only five years old at the time, with the lady at the front desk in order to be with her daughter in the testing room. After many tests the doctor came back with the results, she was told that Jill had a deadly brain tumor caused by the mumps virus and only had six months to a year to live. That was the moment when my grandmother’s world came crashing down right before her eyes. The next months were very hard for my mom, Jill, my grandfather, and especially my grandmother. My grandmother had to stay calm and not act worried around her daughter. She prayed to God every day to make everything better and with the support of family and friends everything would turn out to be okay. After a few hard months the doctors told her that the brain tumor …show more content…
One similarity is when Dave had cancer and Jill had a harmful brain tumor. Dave could no longer pull the sled because of this so it made his life different. Jane’s life would be different now that she had to take care of her very ill daughter. Another similarity is that John Thornton helped Buck get through life when he was hurt and friends and family helped my grandmother to get through this tough time in her life. The final similarity between my grandmother and buck, although there is probably many more, is when the wolves on Charles’ and Mercedes’ team all died and when my grandmother was told that her nine year-old daughter only had six months to a year to live. Buck’s whole team died once they accidentally stepped on a frozen lake that gave away and they then fell through the ice and into the cold icy waters. Jane was told that her daughter had a serious and harmful brain tumor after many test and was told that she would only have six months to a year to live. Even though my grandmother and Buck are very different, they do have some