The London government was guilty of poor admin. They should have arrange to pay governors from independent sources so holding money wouldn’t lead to bickering
1775 8 colonies were under royal governors appointed by king. 3 that were under proprieters that elected. 2 elected own governors
Every colony utilized 2 house legislative body in which upper house was appointed by king or proprietor. The lower branch was elected.
County gov ruled in south
New England had town meetings(open discussion and open voting)
Upperclass imposed qualifications to vote
Anglicanism served as a prop of kingly authority and imposed on the colonies but was not successful except (Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia,
Maryland, and a part of New York.)
The influential Congregational Church, which had grown out of the Puritan Church, was formally established in all the New England colonies, except Rhode Island
Presbyterianism, Congregationalism, and rebellion became a neo trinity
Anglicans supported King
Colonial Anglicans wanted resident bishop but were turned down by non Anglicans who thought it would lead to more king involvement 1734 The Great Awakening was started by pastor Jonathan Edwards who said that we must 1734 depend fully on God 1738 George Whitefield was another good orator that spread the message of human helplessness and divine omnipotence
Taverns were important in crystallizing public opinion and proved to be hotbeds of agitation
There were very few books and libraries in the US
There were many newspapers that circulated prior to the war containing news occurring overseas and essays
Back country was misrepresented
Lord Cornbury was the worst governor as he was a drunkard, embezzler and religious fool
In order to yield power colonial assemblies would withhold governor’s salary in order to get them to do something
America prior to the war