Entry 1- Location: Ancient Persia, Time: 559 B.C.E.
I have arrived in the beginning of the empire under the rule of Cyrus II. “Probably the greatest of the Achaemenian rulers were Cyrus II (reigned 559–c. 529 B.C.E.), who actually established the empire and from whose reign it is dated.” “Achaemenian Dynasty” This was a time of a fresh shift of power to the Achemedians. This was the beginning of the Persian Empire. This was the beginning of my journey through time.
Entry 2- Location ancient Persia, Time: 510 B.C.E.
I have spent some time learning about the culture of this civilization. The people of the
Persian Empire followed a Religion called Zoroastrianism. The religion was founded by a Prophet named Zoroaster. He began teaching his religion only a year before Cyrus II took control, (600 B.C.E.). The religion is monotheistic and condemns animal sacrifice. They did however revere fire as a symbol of excellence and truth. The religion though has been greatly changed by the …show more content…
The empire had a diverse landscape due to its great size. It contains marshy fertile shores along the Nile and the salty shores along the six seas it borders. Also, the empire contains the Fertile Crescent in between and around the esteemed Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Most of the farming away from fertile areas were small subsistence farming. Furthermore, there are many mountains and valleys, and of course dry arid deserts. With most of the fertile land being near rivers, many large cities sit close to these rivers. Furthermore, since there is a diverse range of geography there is also a diverse range of people and cultures. You have the Egyptians and the practices of their own religion which influenced their civilization quite a lot. The other smaller cultures also were unique but like the Egyptians were not forced to change. The rulers of Persia allowed cultures to keep their religion and