Life is a continual learning process, which requires a strong method to develop better ways of apprenticeship. Personally, being able to obtain a higher education gives me an opportunity to be better in many ways. Everyone should have any personal goals in life in order to survive, prosper and succeed in every journey that life gives. As for me, being a University of Phoenix student, I hope to achieve all of my goals on which I have been trying to pursue and obtain through the years. They are goals that I believe I need to have to be a successful member of the society, and through attending the university I also hope to gain a more positive image of myself, build my personal growth, along with achieving excellence in my academics. My personal goals I want to achieve as a University of Phoenix student are obtaining a diploma in Business relationships; strengthen my personal skills in diverse areas, and after my undergraduate program advance to a master’s program.
First of all, obtaining a diploma as a personal goal might sound slightly superficial, but obtaining this piece of paper, which will be hanging on my office wall, will be a visual symbol of my knowledge and also it will represent a trophy won by dedication and hard work. In today’s business world, a diploma is a very important achievement in order to make an impression in our society. However, first I have to go through big obstacles that surround my daily basis on which the economic part and time management would be the principal ones. Also, another way to approach successfully to my goal is by being the best student I can possible be, and by this I mean that I want to learn as much as possible from my instructors. New learnings that will help me develop my values as a human being and as part of this society.
Another personal goal is to strengthen my personal skills by developing and applying several skills in my everyday life. Team learning, time management and stress