In the process of growing up, humans create a conscience of what our society, family and culture perceive as good and bad, as allowed and not allowed. But we also have a lot of influence from the media and other sources that may impact in our behaviors and beliefs. Our first and main influence is our family, or the ones we grow up with, because is the first interaction we have with other people, and they are the first ones to teach us how to behave in the different situations of life. Also, we learn from what we see the usually do and this creates our first idea of what is good and bad. But these ideas tend to change with the influence of friends and many other factors and so we start creating our own.
According to Plato, one of the most important Greek philosophers of whole history describes Ethic as: “A reflection on human behavior that is directed toward resolving both individual and social problems.” This Ethic that we based our decision on is formed by different values. These values are our fundamental beliefs that make us prefer, appreciate and choose things over others. With these values, we create our personal code of ethics, which are the …show more content…
We don’t have any sense of respect to nature, to animals, to humans, to elders, not even to ourselves. We have lost this value because we find it normal to act the way we are acting. We see it as normal when a girl is posting indecent pictures of herself in social media; we don’t think is wrong when we see someone kicking an animal, or it is acceptable to throw trash through the window. This is why I try to respect everything, even when is not the same point of view as mine is, but I have learned that when you respect, people respect you and this helps you to keep open doors for the