During my short existence on this planet I’ve become the type of person that I have wanted to be. To this day, I hold no regrets about my actions because I know that every decision I have made in my life was my own, and whether good or bad I have had complete control. Don’t get me wrong, I do face outside pressures from circumstances around me; however, I consider those circumstances and continue to make a truly original decision. Although overwhelming, I have learned quite a bit from my decisions, but as the saying goes “In life you better yourself by learning from your own mistakes”. This tough way of life has brought added stress and difficulty; however, inspiration and happiness are easier to attain .
The first thing that is noticeable when living an independent lifestyle is the conflicts it seems to raise with your family during your teenage years. During my teenage years my parents have continuously tried to guide me and push me to complete tasks and overcome obstacles that they feel will better my life. This is why they will always be appreciated for their input and guidance; however, they typically only look at my future and what will help me be successful. That is perfectly reasonable because life is all about perspective. From their perspective, their job is to raise me so that I have an opportunity to be successful and achieve my own goals. On the other hand, only I can decide what is best for me because I know what is going to make me happy right now and what will help me maintain the motivation to succeed, while still looking down the road in life. So therefore, independence will not make things easy in relationships with your family; however, it will empower you to make your own decisions, mature into an adult, and eventually learn to evaluate others perspectives and advice to help better your own decisions.
Even though independence can make your life more difficult, I have found that most of