Personal Development Plan
Student Name: Kaijian Chen
ID Number: 09282816 Module Name: People and Organizational Management Module Number: 7MBSP0388
Module Lecturer: Philip Sayers
Word Count: 2372 words
My personal development plan will be based on analyzing my personality, my leadership style and my learning style. The objective of this essay is to initiate my own personal development plan. To begin with, there will be a part to evaluate my personality, combined with an online MBTI Personality Test. After that, my leadership style will be focused on and I will also analyze how this style shapes my career development. Then, I will depict which way of learning is suitable for my future development. To conclude, there will be an important part to examine my personal development action plan which will specifically list some essential and feasible activities to enrich my working competencies and skills so as to accomplish my own goals and objectives.
As Mullins (2005) states, “Psychologists have defined personality as consisting of stable characteristics which explain why a person behaves in a particular way”. Besides, to take a holistic view of personality, it is important to take into consideration the dynamic processes, which means focusing on the ways in which an individual’s traits interact. Armstrong (2006) indicates that personality can be regarded as the relatively stable and enduring aspects of individuals that distinguish them from other people.
There are many type theories of personality which identifies numerous types of personality which can be used to classify people and many underlie a personality test. Additionally, one of the most widely used type theories is Carl Jung’s theory on which Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based (Mullins, 2005). MBTI, which is often applied to recruitment processes to select appropriate vacancy candidates for the given jobs, identifies sixteen types of
References: Armstrong, M. (2006) A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 10th edn. London: Kogan Page. Coffield, F., Moseley, D., Hall, E., & Ecclestone, K. (2004) ‘Should we be using learning styles?: What research has to say to practice’. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 20th April, 2011]. Dictionary of Human Resource Management (2001) SMART. p334-334, 1/4p. Oxford: University Press. Fleming, N., & Baume, D. (2006) Learning Styles Again: VARKing up the right tree!, Educational Developments, SEDALtd, Issue 7.4, Nov. 2006, p4-7. Henderson, I. (2008) Human Resource Management for MBA Students. London: CIPD. Honey,P. & Mumford, A. (1982) The manual of Learning Styles. Maidenhead: Peter Honey. Lewin, K., LIippit, R. & White, R.K. (1939). ‘Patterns of aggressive behavior in experimentally created social climates’. Journal of Social Psychology. 10, 271-301. MBTI (2011) MBTI Personality Test Indicators. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 19 April, 2011]. Mullins L.J. (2005). Management and Organisational Behavior. 7th edn. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd. Psychometric Success (2009) Personality Tests > Even Popular Tests are Controversial. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 19 April, 2011]. The Higher Education Academy (2010) Personal Development Planning. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 22th April, 2011]. Torrington, D., Hall, L. & Taylor, S. (2005). Human Resource Management. 6th edn. Harlow: FT Prentice Hall. VARK (2011) The VARK Questionnaire