When determining whether behavior is abnormal or not we can consider whether it violates social norms or it makes people observing it feel threatened or distressed. Personal suffering can be used to explain if a person has some form of abnormal behavior. Disability is defined as whether a person impaired in some important aspects of their life, for example, work, relationships and so on. This can be defined as abnormal as well.
Behavior can be considered abnormal if it creates a great deal of distress and torment for the person concerned. A psychopath displays “abnormal” behavior, but may not find that distressing. Also some experiences may make is distressed, such as having a baby, being hungry, but these are not “abnormal” feelings. Personal distress considers abnormality in terms of the individual’s subjective feelings, personal distress, rather than his behavior. Most people diagnosed as “mentally ill” feel miserable and suffer from different symptoms. In certain types of personal distress that may be the only symptom, because the individual’s behavior seems normal.
Person distress put simply, if the person is content with his/her life then he/she is of no concern to the mental health field. If, on the other hand, the person is distressed, then those behaviors and thoughts that the person is unhappy about are abnormal behaviors and thoughts.
“Abnormal” is a questionable term these days when discussing disabilities and the behaviors or physiologies associated with them. There are many fears and strange beliefs about disability and have been around for a long time. It really sheds light on how archaic some of these persistent beliefs (like disability is a punishment from God) are! Abnormal physiology deals with how it feels to be different, and the meanings that get attached to being different.
The spectrum of differentness is wide, ranging from reality-defying delusions and severe