Mrs. Johnson
College English 122
8th April, 2013
Same Sex Marriage in the Bahamas
Heterosexual marriage is commonly understood to be between two persons of the opposite sex. Same sex marriage on the others hand, is understood to be between two person of the same sex. Although same sex marriage is a very controversial topic, the more it appears in the news the heated the topic becomes. Homosexual have been widely accepted by the majority may it be a gay or lesbian. Some persons have come to recognize the existence of the third sex and though time they have also accepted same-sex relationships. In the Bahamas, controversial arguments have arisen when homosexuals started proposing the idea of legalizing same-sex marriage. These issues have been going on for decades. Many Bahamian’s have their own beliefs and reasoning when it comes to gay marriages. Me personally, I think that gay marriage should not even be allowed or even thought about. Some of the reasons on why the government should abolish same sex marriage are because: effects in society, biblical views and human rights.
Firstly, the government should abolish same sex marriage in the Bahamas because of the effects it ill have on the society. If gay marriage should be legalese, the population will not grow. A woman and woman nr a man and man care produce an offspring. The Biology for Life CXC. This is because they carry the same chromosomes. Women and men chromosomes are different; men chromosomes provide men trait, and women chromosomes provide women traits. On the other hand, gay marriages should be abolishing because it effects the future generation. If a child is brought up in a gay home, there is a fifty fifty chance that that child may be confused on what sex to like. Another reason may include, that gay couples have a higher risk of physical and mental diseases. “If gay marriages are legalized not just in the Bahamas but elsewhere, it could open doors to all sort of crazy
Bibliography: www.http// Archbishop Of Anglican Diocese Rev. Laish Boyd. The Tribune 2nd February,2013