While reading over the results for my “Ethical Lens Inventory” I learned that my preferred lens is Rights and Responsibility and Relationship lens. This means that I use rationality to determine the rules that each individual should follow and the different ways to solve problems that are fair for everyone. I like everything to be equal. My “Blind spot” is the belief that motive justifies method or overconfidence in process. Basically, I want to follow the rules and procedures and even though I have good intentions following these rules/procedures can hurt others. My definition of ethical behavior is fulfilling duties fairly. “[I] define an ethical person as one who fulfills their duties and does the right thing as an autonomous, fully responsible adult.”
My weaknesses are that I can be autocratic or authoritarian. Meaning that I want everyone to do things my way and not consider someone else’s’ opinion. I may be judgmental and have expectations that others cannot fill and I may be too quick to judge them. My strengths are being fair to others. I value social balance, autonomy and equality. I work with others, and do my fair share of work to get the job done. I tend to take my time and think a problem through and search for options to solve my problems.
I feel that my personal ethics lens describes me very well. I can definitely see myself in all of the definitions provided. I would use this information to solve problems by working to treat everyone equal and to listen to everyone’s ideas. It is important to be able to see different points of views because it adds insight to how other people see things. I would work very hard not to set my own expectations on others because I have to realize that they are different that I am and my way is not always the right way. I am a person who believes in always doing the right thing, however, I want to be able to do it tactfully and make sure that I do