APRIL 26, 2015
What is personal ethics? Many people have their own perceptions and definition of what personal ethics are. When speaking about personal ethics this topic deals with what an individual believes to be morally right or wrong. Personal ethics comes from what one was taught by child by their caregiver whether it was mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, or uncle. Since these ethics were instilled in us as children by our caregivers we carried these ethics into our daily lives and the decisions that we made.
As a child my mother main focus was to make sure I knew right from wrong. As a parent she just didn’t say that something was wrong, …show more content…
My value is what I consider to be important in life. What is important to me may not be important to someone else. This is what I had to consider in the world of nursing. I would come to accept that everyone is different and though they are different and values are different we both should be able to respect one’s views and decisions. This is important so that we may achieve our primary goal of purpose which is to care for the patient. My values and beliefs are rooted and grounded in my Christian background. Values that I was taught as a child was “do unto other as you would have them do unto you”. Simply put to treat people how you want to be treated. This causes a sort of immediate feedback for creating our moral standards and making ethical decisions (Scivicque, 2007). As a manager, I have learned how to be humble, and listening and learning from others. Another important value that was instilled in me as a child was to share and to be grateful for what you have. This I come to realize that I being a young woman most women my age have not accomplished the things that I have. By knowing this I do not take my career for granted. I enjoy my co-workers and patients that I work with. I enjoy overall caring for people and watching them thrive towards their highest potential. An example of an ethical dilemma I might encounter in the nursing field is the giving of blood to a Jehovah Witness. According to a Jehovah