When I received my results from the culture preferences activity I was not expecting those results exactly,I wasn't looking for something down the lines of the results but it had gotten really close to what I was going for. My results was being an Expert, Supportive and Well resourced, I really agree on two out of three of these results. I agree with being very supportive and well resourced but I really don’t agree with being a Expert, because I am usually a very team player and in the background but still all for being supportive in group talks and team discussion. Also, being well resourced explain me too by being comfortable and all for doing the necessary resourced to do the highest standard work to get the most out of something that could help me in the long run. I’m really glad I received this results to see my strong points in the work culture.
Do you think there is a relationship between effective study habits and techniques and being successful in those work cultures?
Yes, I do think there is a relationship between effective study habits and techniques of being successful in those work cultures by being successful in those cultures. Study habits and techniques all part of note taking,it doesn't matter if you never look at them again taking notes is extremely helpful in remembering something important. The act of note taking helps your brain make what’s know as a “spatial relationship” between you and the information. By using effective study habits and techniques it can help you tremendously when taking quiz or test because when your taking your test you can remember something that you wrote down while taking notes and help you remember the answer off the top of your head all because you took notes. I think the relationship between this two skills go hand in hand, they are best friend when it comes to studying