Your performance both as an individual and as a member of a team in the light of your assessment of other group projects.
As an individual myself as well as being part of a group member in this project, I understand that I have areas to improve on which before this, never realized. T he most significant that I realize needed improvement is constant adjustment of one self, no matter on project matter, or relational matter. Project wise, what I fall shorts is follow the technology trend. For instance, I use to study Adobe Flash, and all the while I’m using Actionscript 2.0 .Well of course, during that time this is the hype, everyone is talking about interactivity, and the demands are there.
Well little did I know, while doing this project AS2.0 (Actionscript2.0) is almost heading to
irement” and the AS3.0 is its successor. I notice that AS3.0 is not just containing a significant change, but it is totally another new language. Unlike the past when Adobe decided improves Actionscript 1.0 to 2.0, it is still the same language. In Actions cript 3.0, it requires a separate player which is embedded in the new flash player in order to run. Hence it is a new language that does not talk to AS2.0 and AS1.0. After some discussion with my group and knowing what limitation AS2.0 has, our group decid ed to use the new way. So I have tried my best I could to step out from my own comfort zone and try on this.
I consider myself as moderate in terms of being a team worker. I have some struggles in conveying my thoughts. Fortunately to me, my team member h ad being kind and understanding, and tries to work things out together. In other hand, I assess other group as fairly competitive as us in terms of their presentation of their project the content of their systems.
How the experience of the Gro up Project relates to the teaching material in OPM.
I believe my experiencing in group project and materials are two distinct