My summer going into seventh grade my grandma, whom I was very close with, had been diagnosed with stage four-pancreatic cancer. By the end of my summer going into the dreaded junior high years, my grandma had passed away. My mom and dad insisted on going to church every Sunday and I didn’t like it.
By the time high school had started I began to like going to church. I realized that if I were apart of the mass, such as being an altar server, mass would go by quicker. As freshman year went on my youth director at Saint Mary’s told me about a group called DYMC (Diocesan Youth Ministries Committee). They are a group of about fifteen total people, ten teens from around Iowa …show more content…
I will never be able to thank her enough in looking out for me and pushing me towards this group. Joining DYMC really helped me connect more with my faith and reflect on what had happened the past couple of years in my life. Getting to be around other teens my age that are from others schools and sharing all their stories with all of us was eye opening. I never had realized how blessed I was to be sent to a catholic school; I am forever grateful that what my parents have done for me with my faith and education.
Everything was very new to me my first year at DYMC, I had never attended a youth rally before and planning one was very new to me. I struggled at first getting into the groove of how things were done at youth rallies and how to get people excited about their faith. I had just started to see the big picture in my life and it all disappeared in one