other college students bad breath or body odor is very offensive. We all want to feel like
part of a group, but when our poor hygiene gets in the way, you may find you do not
have very many friends.
As parents, we need to encourage our children to practice good dental and
personal hygiene, so that when they are adults they will develop good hygiene habits.
At an early age as young as 11 years old, boys start to notice their body changing.
They may find out from their school friends that they have bad body
odor or bad breath. To get the attention they want they need to take care of
themselves. Good grooming results in improved self confidence and better health.
There are varies products to purchase to prevent body odor, like body
sprays, cologne. As well as for bad breath, mouthwash, mints, chewing gums.
One of the reason for bad breath may be due to gum disease known as gingivitis
(Inflamed gums) or dental abscesses.
Diets high in fat and protein have been shown to cause bad breath than diets
high in fruits in Vegetables. Fasting also produces ketones that can change how the
breath smells. ( Boiurn, Michael. Pharmacy Post Oct.2005)
The second halitosis is due to systemic disease state. About 10% of halitosis are
caused by nasal, Sinus or tonsil conditions kidney or liver failure, some cancers, lung
infections, diabetes mellitus, gastro esophageal reflux and cirrhosis are among the
diseases that can cause halitosis.
The best way to avoid bad breath is to prevent it.:
Practice good mouth care
Brush and floss your teeth
Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol
Visit your dentist
Eat regularly and often to avoid "hunger breath."
So inclusion the ethical thing to do when you have this concern about bad
Breath is to tell that person only if they are your family or your best friend. Co workers you let their supervisor advise the person with bad breath or fowl smell, this
References: Boiurn,M Pharmacy Post Oct. 2005 Pearson, N. Canadian Pharmacists Journal : Sept/Oct 2005; 138, 7; ProQest Nursing & Allied Health Source pg 67