Introduction – 273 words
The general topic of my PIP is the younger generation’s (specifically Gen Y and Z - the digital natives) inherent captivation with social media and the moral and social quandary this poses. The benefit of social media is ambiguous to say the least; does it serve as a tool to better network with the world around you? Or are its effects much more negative in nature? Accordingly, my hypothesis in relation to my topic is that “Social media isolates individuals (with focus given to the digital natives) by negatively socialising them with subpar social abilities”. I aim to achieve a concrete conclusion on whether or not my hypothesis is accurate, and how and why the networking giant Facebook has undoubtedly changed the socialisation process for present and future generations. Specific areas to be investigated are the continuities or changes to social interaction between individuals, as well as the socialisation process and any variances to the process that may surface due to gender (my cross cultural element). This topic was developed from a genuine interest in the enculturation of individuals into contemporary Western society, and how this may differ negatively compared to more traditional methods of socialising with others, apparent in the previous pre-Facebook generations. To compliment my secondary research for this topic, I will conduct further primary research consisting of a questionnaire to formulate a basis for public opinion, a focus group consisting of 3 males and 3 females from Gen Y or Z, interviews aimed towards those of older generations, and finally, my own personal reflection to act as a cross reference to what others have said from Gen X or Y.
Integration of course concepts – 158 words
The topic outlined in my Introduction relates to the Society and Culture course in that it is essentially a study on the continuities or changes (brought upon by the onset of technology; Facebook) to the