As a member of the team, typically, team members will play to their strengths to improve teamwork, therefore, in the beginning of the team roles positioning, I chose to find information, which I think, is in a dominant position project for me.
Because of the newly formed team, so members do not know each other yet, when the first discussion, each member put forward own advantages and disadvantages, Ingham, H. & Luft, J. (1955) has proposed in “Johari Window” that “open” quadrant represents things that both I know about myself, and that you know about me, so in the beginning, let team members know each other, in order to have better cooperation in the future.
Tuckman- Jenson proposed in 1977 that team model has five stages: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. At the first stage – forming, because of the limited understanding between team and individual, so in the team, we adopted introduced to each other own strengths and weaknesses to deepen our impression at the first time, at the same time to understand that we need to accomplish goals. Our team planned to research the reason for successful of Giffgaff company in UEA international students, we need to designed questionnaires, send out questionnaires and collected data, this is our first phase of the preliminary plan. By to discuss the issues involved in the questionnaires, and I had a better communication between team members, so that we got to know each other.
When we got the data through feedback of questionnaires, we entered the second stage storming. “The second stage represents a time of intergroup conflict”(D.A. Bonebright, 2009), in this stage we faced discussed issues, because every member has different views for how to complete the plan and has different point of thinking, so in discussing the structure of the MRR that it is easy to generate arguments. In fact, it is advantageous for the team, through continuous exchange of ideas, we were