and he gets so worried about losing his things, there was a chance that he may forget about the oil in the spoon parable, making Santiago enjoy the world, but not forgetting about the little things in life. “We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it’s our life or our possessions or our property. But this fear evaporates when we understand that our life stories and the history of the world were written by the same hand.”(Pg. 76) Fear and failures can be the biggest setbacks to achieving your personal legend. Santiago is scared of losing the things he already has obtained over his journey. In the middle of the novel, in Tangier, Santiago is fearful of losing his money that he earned from working with the Crystal Merchant at his shop. Near the end, Santiago is frightened that he may lose Fatima. In the story, the camel driver spoke words of assurance to Santiago, knowing from experience after he had lost all his possessions to a flood. Santiago will soon realize that moving on and losing things will allow him to grow in his journey.
Throughout the novel, the theme of one’s own personal legend is a consistent message. The quotes all enforce the idea that someone’s purpose in life focus on fulfilling their desires. Santiago has many things facing him on his journey, but he overcomes them by thinking about his drive to achieve his personal