Personal Management Case: A Business Partnership Gone Bad
By DeEsta L . Crenshaw Writing Assignment: Personal Management Case March 07, 2011 La Verne University
Personal Management Case: A Business Partnership Gone Bad
Abstract For the purpose of this assignment, the names and location of interest have been changed. Let the name Partner-D be used in the place of DeEsta Crenshaw, Partner-W represents the ex-business partner, Candyland, USA represents the area of interest, and all other names have been altered to protect the innocent.
It was a dream of Partner-D to be a success in life. For this woman, it has been important to be independent and to one day have financial security. Partner-D always had a vision that investing into real estate would be a steady means of income. But with the rising prices of real estate in the area, how was the dream to transition into a reality? All the while, Partner-D continues to work in an environment that does not compliment her inner spirit, but she is grateful for the steady income.
This paper is a written testimony of steps taken, for good or bad, to chase a dream; and provides examples throughout the story of how the principals of negotiation and collective bargaining were unknowingly used to make decisions and deal with personal circumstances, as described through the teachings of Roger Fisher and William Ury (1991, 1993).
Personal Management Case: A Business Partnership Gone Bad
A business partnership between Partner-D and Partner-W began in October of 2006, as the result of meeting through a third party, B. Goodfriend. Partner-D had been interested in purchasing rental property.
References: Fisher, R. & Ury, W. (1991). Getting To Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. New York: Penguin Books. Ury, William. (2007). Getting Past NO: Negotiating In Difficult Situations. New York: Bantam Books. Shell, R. & Moussa, M. (2007). The Six Channels of Persuasion. The Art of Woo: Using Strategic Persuasion to Sell Your Ideas, 2007, pp. 177-182. New York; Penguin. Power Point Slides (2011). Managerial Negotiation: Integrative Bargaining (Collaborative, Win-Win, Mutual Gains, or Problem Solving). Presented by Professor Karen Chorbajian. Power Point/Chapter One Slides (2011). Chapter 1: Negotiation Fundamentals. Presented by Professor Karen Chorbajian. 11