After coming home from the war, he didn't feel at home. When most think of home, its somewhere they are comfortable, or familiar, a place that you love and cherish. Many know of the saying, "home is where the heart is", well Kreb's heart was just not there in his small hometown of Oklahoma. He wasn't too sure of where he belonged, but he knew it surely wasn't there. He didn't feel like he fit in anymore, and neither did he really want to fit it with that town anymore.
I feel that from the first setting of being in Germany and France, opened his eyes so much to show him there is more outside your small hometown. I think he wanted to explore that and learn that. Of course he loved his family, although they weren't too caring, besides his favorite little sister, he just needed a change or a fresh start. I believe the war and seeing and experiencing that made the start for his life journey to begin. He needed a fresh start and a new