My Dad didn't bring his phone so he had ran up to get it but I was still fighting it. It finally stop pulling so I pulled it in all the way here I saw this beautiful fish with teeth so I had to be careful and keep it alive. But my safety comes first. But my Dad couldn't find his phone he came back and said Moms got his phone in her purse so we couldn't get a picture. But we tried to keep it alive in a homemade livewell that was made buy a styrofoam cooler with water in them. “Donk donk donk” was it bouncing off the sides and trying to jump out of the live well.
“Hold on fishy were going to get you out in a minute,but don’t keep hitting your head on the sides.”
We never got a picture of it alive so I just got a pic of it dead. R.I.P fishy. We ended up going down to the bait shop to see what it was because they had a huge map of a ton of fish and then found the fish, it was called a blue fish mine was a new species so I was happy.
But I felt bad for the fish so I put it back In the water for burial. At the end of the day the fish died but there's a million of those fish out there in the ocean swimming around getting caught by other