I began to calm down with my studying some and I found the less worried I was the more I began to remember.
Test day for me has come and I’m back to my anxious, terrified, and stressed self. As I sit in my desk I am beginning to feel queasy. I can’t sit still. Looking around and watching everyone else makes me wonder who I will be I class with next year.
Mrs Peters announces, “You have fifteen minutes to study. As soon as the timer goes off I will hand out the test and talking will not be permitted or it will be an automatic office referral and a 0% on the test.” I begin to panic because I realize that as soon I look in my folder for my notes to study over, I realize that I left them on my kitchen counter. This makes me feel even worse about the situation. Now, I was sure that I wouldn't be able to do well on the test. I think at least I didn’t forget my calculator. I wait until the timer goes off. Mrs. Peters begins to hand out the tests and I start to dread how well I will do. I then am handed my test. I look through the test and recognize some problems that I know how to do. I read through the test and begin to work out and evaluate problems. I am beginning to get distracted by the quietness of the classroom and listening to the tapping, the clicking of the clock, and cough or sneeze every now and then. After I begin to get off topic I always remind myself to get back to work and to try to focus. I begin to near the end of my test. I feel pretty confident that I am doing pretty well. I did not expect this feeling. Then, I finish up, look over the test one more time, and I raise my hand so that my test can be collected. Mrs. Peters comes by and takes my test and gently smiles at me and pats me on the back. I sit and wait until everyone finishes their tests. Soon, everyone