A personal quality that is important to me is my willingness to try new things. This quality did not surface until I graduated high school-- I felt somewhat restricted during those years. After my first semester at community college the eagerness to explore new activities, and learn about new topics began to appear. Because of this quality-- a quality that can sometimes hide amongst the rest-- I would not have discovered by passion for my desired major.…
Walking into the locker room about to get ready to go to our last football game of the season. I could smell the sweaty equipment from the kids who never take their pads home. The Hempfield Spartans 7th grade team would be ending their season 0-7 if we didn’t win today. As I was changing into my pads my friend mike walked in the room. I said “you ready for tonight”. “Heck yeah” replied Mike.…
be encouraging people to practice safe sex and make condoms cheaper, which could lower the spread of HIV.…
The social-emotional domain is most of interest to me. As Humans we interact pretty much throughout our lives, our emotions often play a large role on how we develop socially and how that ties to our emotions. From birth we gradually start to develop these relationships with the people around us. Over time this process of learning to communicate, share, and interact with others takes many years to develops. We continue to develop these skills into our teenage years, and even as young adults. So with that I do believe that the development in this domain is mostly a continuous one.…
I use the advice you gave Dan almost every day. I get teased about my schedules. I just asked my daughter to tell me what we have to get accomplished by ten tonight. She gave me a list of things and I wrote them down. We worked together to plan the order of events to make sure everything gets done. Both of my girls write out list when there are multiple tasks to complete in a day. This shows that it is a learned behavior for those who do not use sequence at a use first level.…
If I walked down the left side of the hallway, I might get rude looks and people might say something like “okay, what does she think she is doing?”…
Have you ever had that person that follows you around and tries to clean up and get everything for you, well I have and that is my pet peeve. This has always annoyed me and continues to annoy me. I am going to talk about people that annoy me that I know, why it bothers me, and what do I do about it.…
At times I feel as though I'm trying and failing to be a human being. But what makes us human? I feel although I'm a human-shaped shell made out of pieces of things I find interesting. Instead of a real identity. Just layers of things that I hope will make me different from others. But am I? We rely so much on the opinion of others. But why? Why do we crave acceptance of others? If people were to look closely, they'd notice there really isn't anything there.Just a mess of a person trying to find their ‘place in the world. All we want is to be remembered. Just to prove we are something , we where something. How will I be remembered? Or will I fade into oblivion? Is this the meaning of life? To spend it hoping we have some significance in this…
My mother, “Regina Hopkins,” has been a positive influence in my life. She has raised 6 kids all by herself as well as earned a Bachelor’s degree in nursing from a City College in Gainesville, Florida. My mother has been through pretty much everything a person can go through outside of war and was still able to be there and provide for all 6 of her kids. In high school, my mother wanted to play football and couldn't because she was a girl and back-in-the-day women were not allowed to play football with the guys. However, she remained strong by raising 6 kids and independently took care of all of us on her own. My mother has several qualities that I would love to develop. The first quality she has is balance; she certainly knows how to make…
Christianity has always been apart of my life. My grandparents, parents and siblings are strong christians and always encouraged me to become one. When I was about four I was at a Christian camp that my family had always gone to and I decided then that I would give my life to Christ. But honestly at four years old I had only given my life to Christ because that's what everyone else did. Through my early teenage years I had lost my connection with Christ. There were so many difficult situations I was going through that Christ seemed so distant from me and what I needed. But turns out what I really needed was Christ. At the beginning of my sophomore year I began to go to Young Life, and what a difference Young Life made on my life. Young Life…
After all the ups and downs in my life none of those things stopped me in achieving my dreams in 2012 the year that I received my associates the most emotional moment in my life when I had walked and made my family proud of me. I know it doesn’t seem a lot to many people but to me was the beginning of a very successful life and making a difference in my life and many others. Not only I did this for myself but for my nephews (my brothers kids) to show them that it takes a lot of hard work to achieve for our dreams but anything is possible in life as long as we don’t give up, hopefully inspire them to go far in life. I want to make a change in my family’s lives and make things better for all of us.…
Make good decisions. Do the right thing, no matter who is watching. Those words have been repeated and instilled in my mind since I was a young child. My parents always harped on doing the right thing, and making good choices, because some decisions made at an early age can follow you into adulthood. Unfortunately, sometimes making a wrong decision only helps you to learn from the mistake. When I was 15 years old, my friend *Alyssa Brown (Pseudonym) was raped. She was my best friend and someone I care deeply about. We played volleyball together on the same team, had breakfast at the diner every Sunday, and watched movies in my basement every weekend. Like any relationship, we had our differences. At that age, many of my friends were maturing at dissimilar rates, and it was confusing to me some of the changes that were happening to their attitudes and opinions. Alyssa had an older sister *Lindsey, who was 19 at the time, and who wasn’t particularly the best behaved; she had been arrested a few times and needless to say didn’t surround herself with the best company. Alyssa couldn’t help who her sister brought around the house, and neither could I—although now I wish I could have.…
One of the most uncertain things that all humans face is their real identity. This difficulty has caused a lot of confusion on who we really are and how we become our own person. There are many different theories to how people can identify themselves, but one of the leading notions is the Identity Theory. This theory claims that people become who they are based on experiences and life lessons. They believe that one’s own experiences will cause them to shape how they will identify themselves. Following that theory, it is reasonable to assume that all experiences whether positive or negative will have a direct impact on your identity. However, some psychologists believe that negative memories or experiences will cause a much significant change…
The public health problem I select is HIV/AIDS WITHIN THE African American population. The HIV epidemic in United States in alarming, however it is becoming particularly alarming more so within the African American community. It is not long ago since the first case of HIV/AIDS among the African American community was identified. The first case was identified in the 1980’s. HIV/AIDS was thought to be a disease that doesn’t exist in the African American community it was initially thought to be mainly affected by gay men and intravenous drug users. However, in 1983, that misconception quickly changed as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) documented the first cases of HIV/AIDS in an African American women. Who acquired HIV thought sex with an intravenous drug user. From that point forward, the HIV/ AIDS epidemic among African American began…
Football has always been a big part of my life. As a young boy I would day dream of making insane touchdowns, making tackles that would leave man stuck in the ground, and even winning the heisman trophy. In 7th grade I had begged my mother endlessly to sign me up for pee wee football because she would always worry about the risks of football. After finally getting her to sign me up, we went straight into the season. I chose to play running back because as a 12-year-old I was remarkably fast having timed 5.3 in the 40 yard-dash. After a few weeks in the season we approached the playoffs and found out our opponent for the first round of the playoffs were the jaguars who were undefeated. Our team didn’t have the best chemistry on…