As we were standing in line, this group thought it would be funny if they started saying racist things, but not thinking about how the majority of the black people would feel around them. Then, they kept getting into our personal space, and it’s already hard enough to stay a couple feet away from each other in the lines from it being so crowded. They were especially getting too close to me so I said to Chris, “Some people need to learn how to respect other people’s personal space.” …show more content…
Them unfortunately overhearing me, thought it would be entertaining to try to come as close as they can to us.Then out of nowhere, for no apparent reason, one of the guys from the group said “It must suck to be black,” and laughed with his friends after he had spoken it.
Both Chris and I gave them intense death stares.
What makes someone say that out of nowhere? All I wanted was some personal space. Chris decided to come in the middle of both the group and I and held his arms on the bars so they wouldn’t pass him. After a while they kept their distance but they said those things during the wait of my favorite ride, Millennium Force. I hate when most of the hate is pointed towards me, not because it is for that reason and that reason only, but because Chris gets caught in the crosshairs. People judge him for dating me, saying that he could do better, or say he shouldn’t be with me and it’s wrong, as well as me getting the same response about him. Yet, he always says he loves me and would do anything to protect me. Nothing bad anyone ever says about us will bother him because they can’t change the way he feels about me. Also that being with me is one of the best decisions he’s ever made, and he’s honored to be with
Chris and I will always get stares and such from people who seemingly may never understand that interracial relationships are becoming more and more of a thing, as well as being a good thing. We are prepared to take on whoever tries to bring us down as a couple, together. I said earlier that I get infuriated fast when people don’t view us as normal people, in a normal relationship. However, I’ve thought that over and realized that Chris and I will never be viewed as a normal couple, because we aren’t. We are more and way better than a normal couple in my eyes. We are spontaneous, outgoing, gratified, and grateful. I wouldn’t want to change anything about what we have and I’m positive he wouldn’t either.