In middle school where he’d seen his friends. He has a hilarious 8th grade history teacher and didn’t like to learn. After he graduates Eric plans on working and relaxing with no children. When school is over Eric has a job at McDonalds working in the service area. Eric has no other after school activities and his most influential person in his life is his mom. She taught Eric about a lot of subjects when it comes to life, such as being respectful to other people.
The final area of conversation was about Eric’s personality traits and hobbies. Eric’s hobbies are guitar, hanging out with his friends, playing video games, and he also is a part of a band named “Kaelber”. All of these hobbies help bring out Eric’s funny personality. He also likes to listen to Megadeth, a thrash metal from the 80’s but mostly 90’s. Eric also gave me his insight about being a teenager. He stated “Adults never treat you with respect but they expect us to respect them.” This conversation also brought up that when people are disrespectful towards other people it gets on his