Nonetheless, she and I practically grew up together. She was only about a year and a few months older than me. We could’ve possibly come out from the same mother. We were somewhat the same when it came to size, looks, preferences; I could relate to her on just about anything and everything. The only thing we ever argued about was sexual intercourse. It seemed to me that she saw it as something that everybody should be doing to everyone. This seemed so unsanitary to me that it made me sick just simply thinking about it. We were constantly trying to avoid the topic, just because we both knew it would always end up in a fight. We were doing quite well; until the summer before my freshman year that
Nonetheless, she and I practically grew up together. She was only about a year and a few months older than me. We could’ve possibly come out from the same mother. We were somewhat the same when it came to size, looks, preferences; I could relate to her on just about anything and everything. The only thing we ever argued about was sexual intercourse. It seemed to me that she saw it as something that everybody should be doing to everyone. This seemed so unsanitary to me that it made me sick just simply thinking about it. We were constantly trying to avoid the topic, just because we both knew it would always end up in a fight. We were doing quite well; until the summer before my freshman year that