I was ashamed of who I was as a young boy. I resented my own cultural background; living in South Georgia, I foolishly desired a more Western heritage. Today, I look back on my youth in embarrassment because I did not accept myself for who I was. Before I stepped into that car, I felt it would be the last time I would see my great-grandmother. I let her go without even saying goodbye. My thoughts were confirmed as she passed away two weeks later. To this day, I live with regret knowing I let my great-grandmother slip away because of my own selfish thoughts in wanting a different heritage and not accepting
I was ashamed of who I was as a young boy. I resented my own cultural background; living in South Georgia, I foolishly desired a more Western heritage. Today, I look back on my youth in embarrassment because I did not accept myself for who I was. Before I stepped into that car, I felt it would be the last time I would see my great-grandmother. I let her go without even saying goodbye. My thoughts were confirmed as she passed away two weeks later. To this day, I live with regret knowing I let my great-grandmother slip away because of my own selfish thoughts in wanting a different heritage and not accepting