“ Oh Emma I heard you’ve been looking for job how about considering taking care of our beloved Daughter Cindy.” Mrs. Dixon uttered. “ That would be great Mrs. Dixon I’ll start tomorrow.” “I said in a thrilling voice.” Few have now by this is now my fifth week of babysitting Cindy and so far i love it .Cindy is such a smart, kindhearted, innocent little girl even though she can be very skeptical and uncanny sometimes. The other day as I was picking Cindy up from her ballet class she was talking about how she can’t wait to go home so she can finish burning her barbie dolls so she can use them for something, not really explaining what she was going to use them for.
It’s only been a few weeks and I feel like I’m already
having the best time of my life I work 8 hours , 4 days a week while getting paid $1,000 every week. It’s such a easy job all i really have to do is pick up Cindy from school take her to ballet classes, help her with her homework along with feeding her also putting her to bed. Cindy spends most of her time in her bedroom she’s very different from other children I’ve babysitted most children aren’t as quiet and skeptical as she is. This morning i wake up and i see Cindy standing right in front of my face in one hand she’s holding a picture of me and in the other a lighter and a knife. I scream, jump off the bed and run down the stairs sobbing. My heart pounding out of my chest.
After running out of the house and driving back home. When I pull up to the house I notice my keys are missing so I frantically search through my purse praying that i didn’t leave it.