Like in the movies I shot up, gasping for breath. In shock I looked up hoping the pain in my eyes would summon someone over. Coldly, the nurse came over and asked my pain level. I said a seven and a half, wanting to save my higher numbers for later in life. Giving me morphine the nurse then again left. Panicked, I felt like the surgeon cut me up and placed me in the middle of a random room. Looking back, now I realize the medicine made me loopy and the nurses simply held higher …show more content…
priority cases than mine. Finally I spotted my parents walking towards me and I felt closer to home.
More extensive than planned, my parents calmly told me the surgery took longer.
Removing the vein proved difficult for the surgeon in charge. This led to five incisions, internal bleeding, and displaced bowels. Followed by pain, every move I made proved excruciating for me, but I still had hope of going home. Then shut down from movement, we had to wait till my bowels restarted to go home. Hours passed by and nothing happened. I came in and out of consciousness. Then my brave mother and I decided I should travel to the bathroom. Bad choice, after suffering through the two-yard walk to the toilet I sat down and immediately threw up. Not just once but three times, my body did not react well to the anesthesia and any food or water for twenty four hours came back
After this the doctors came in and decided I should stay the night. Accepting this we tried to make the most of it. My morphine dosage increased and we watched a movie. Eventually my mom drifted to sleep but the nurses’ check ins kept me up. Then I looked outside my room and realized many blessings I possessed. Today did not go as planned, surgery proved challenging, but I would go home in a couple days. Some of the people in the hallway walking stayed there for months. One boy my age had to do his regents while in bed. Even worse some did not have parents there to support them. Not in my plans for summer fun, this surgery stunk, but considering other people’s hardships I live a great life.