
Personal Narrative-Defeat Of A Demagogue

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Defeat of a Demagogue
“Ding!” I received a text from Sadie at 9 o’clock the night before we were due to run a canvass to elect Hillary Clinton, who we hope will be the next president. It said “Hey, Brian would like us to come in a little early to help set up and train volunteers.” I didn’t realize what that would entail, so I replied “Ok, cool, dude. See you tomorrow!” and didn't think much of it, then watched The Office until I fell asleep.
The next morning, I woke up to the text “I’m on the way to pick you up.” I scrambled to get ready, and was luckily able to be dressed and ready to go in time. Sadie got to my house, and when I got in the car, I was informed there would be 300 out-of-state volunteers coming to the office to help canvass. We were in for a treat.
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After the volunteers had all been accounted for and given materials, Luke and I had some downtime. Brian let us take his credit card and get burritos from Chipotle, as a thank you for helping run the event, and giving up our whole
Saturday. I would've done it for free, because I love being an intern for the PA Dems, but I am always down for a free burrito. We brought our food back to the office and wanted to watch some college football, and posted up in the upstairs office with a small TV in it. Not 10 minutes into the first quarter of the Michigan game, Brian’s boss, Francis, came upstairs and said “Hey guys, it would be great if you helped out a little instead of watching football,” in an extremely passive aggressive manner. It was alright though; we just took our food downstairs and watched the game on Brian’s laptop with him. Soon, volunteers started coming back after finishing their packets. Our job now was to break down each clipboard, each with maps, voter registration sheets, and canvass papers in it, and organize all the different papers. We formed an assembly line and went at it for the next hour, sorting hundreds of volunteers’ papers, which

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