This day was to give to the people who are in adversity and need more than people who have everything they need to survive today. I vividly remember seeing all the homeless, with their ripped, malodorous blankets, clothes, and their hair frizzed up everywhere like a mountain of leaves stack on top of another. With the variety …show more content…
pies freshly baked, the pure red cranberry juice, sandwiches and so much more, looking at the homeless taking their first bite to me was like a whole new life renovated life for them.
It seemed to me as if they haven’t eaten this good of food in years to me, which is undoubtedly true for most of them because of the little things they have with them daily. Just like how some things we experience are once in a lifetime such as traveling, or getting to meet a celebrity, was equivalent to them getting to eat on this Thanksgiving day. For all the little jacked up things they own, they probably never take for granted of just like this day. It’s sad to see how many people there are like this around us, as I go to different places around the world. One example was, I remember going to the countryside of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico last summer and it was probably just at similar as the people I saw in Pasadena. Yet, one thing I definitely saw was how burnt their skin was because they had no clothes and the old wooden houses that had no doors. They are just these little things that make me realize how blessed I actually am to have my family
by my side every night, a roof over my head, a school to go to, and a supply of food that would never make my stomach growl. In my perspective, as I get out more and discover more about what’s to offer around me, I start to change my thought of all the things I don’t have, and think about all the things I do have and only need. We all don’t need the most expensive camera, an Iphone, or a pair of Nike running shoes, it is just what we want and all begged for at least once in our lifetime. I feel guilty for all the times I have asked my parents, but it’s always great to learn. We all have our needs and wants, and even though we acknowledge them we still get mad when our parents don’t buy it for us. For me it is personally hard to admit, but it’s never too late to thank all the people around you and all the things you have. In my opinion, being able to help at these little events or being able to travel to places that aren’t as fortunate, teach me so much of what I have. In addition to this, going here also showed me how important education is. Who knows how all these homeless people in adversity got here. Maybe they couldn’t find a job due to their lack of education. So going to these things may help not only the people who haven’t learned how blessed they are, but for everyone. Therefore, after going to this occasion on Thanksgiving day , it personally changed my perspective on life itself and how appreciative I am with all the things I have right by me.