"Alexandra Kosov?" I heard the clink of metal toe capped boots on a lino floor as a gruff voice broke the silence.
"Kosov? No. No that's not me." Alex replied, though her accent seemed to give her away.
Toecaps sighed and clapped his hands together.
"Vasily Kosov's daughter?" He rephrased his question through gritted …show more content…
At first, I could only hear panicked breathing, but then a thin, hoarse voice resonated in the almost empty room. The sound was tinny and a little distorted, but there was no mistaking the man’s fear. He was speaking quickly and disjointedly in what I could only assume was Russian, but he’d occasionally break off into a coughing fit followed by half-deranged sobs. It was pitiful to witness. Was it live? I couldn’t tell. There was a sound like a gun being fired from the speaker, and for a moment I though the man was