My house has an upstairs and a downstairs with two stair cases on each side of the house. This makes it possible to have two ways to go up or down. First Thing I always do is get down to the gun creat before anyone else does because it is a “first come first serve” kind of deal. I pick a shotgun like gun except it was a lot smaller and much easier to run with. I also took a handful of darts so I wouldn't run out. My mom and dad each picked a small handgun with a handful of darts as well. My brother stashes guns in his room along with a Nerf …show more content…
“Ok sorry mom.” As he finally got down the stairs I looked at the guns he brought down. He had two automatics and three different other guns you have to load and shoot by hand. I looked at all the guns and said, “do you think you have enough?”
He said, “I might need them” I just turned away and shook my head at all his …show more content…
I opened the door some more and saw where my brother was sitting aiming at the stair case. He still did not see me when I raised my gun, but then my mom finally came out of her hiding spot firing a dart that hit the wall three inches to my right. I fired just before but missed my brother. I saw my mom run down the other staircase, and I knew if I was going to win I would need to shoot her first. I ran down the stairs so fast I almost fell, but I ducked into the laundry room just as she came around the corner. She did not see me, but I saw her. She went down the hall for a few feet then ducked into the laundry room just in front of me. I said,” hi mom!” Then I fired my gun and she was out. Now I needed to get my