I looked around everywhere I went, and I saw people staring at MY family. My whole world was changing. “WHEEEE! Ha, Ha Ha.” Growing up I was a smiling, bubbly, happy, young girl. I lived with my mom, dad, and my dear grandparents. All the time, all the attention was given to me. From morning to night. My dad would come home from work and would pick me up and swing me around and give me tons of kisses. I loved spending time with my dad. My aunts and uncles always bought me things whenever we met. Even if it …show more content…
Having a fragile X child is very rare. Fragile X syndrome Fragile X syndrome is inherited. This means it’s passed from parent to child through genes.When the X chromosomes from my mom were going to my brother, a mutation occurred. Therefore, when my mom was giving my brother an X chromosome it was already broken, however as the X chromosome traveled to my brother it was fully broken. Because of that chromosome, the body can’t make enough of a protein it needs for the brain to grow and develop. Fragile X can cause problems with learning and behavior and causes delays in just about everything. And research shows that it is more severe with boys. Darsh often has behavioral problems such as anxiety, hyperactivity, hand-flapping, biting, and temper tantrums. He also has very flexible joints and big ears. There isn't a specific reason for that, but its just wat males with fragile X Syndrome have. When Darsh was little we recognized his delay in speech and how he always acted up with behavior problems. For example, when he wanted something that we couldn't get him right away, he’ll start yelling, kicking, and even hitting himself. I finally understood what was going on when I was about eight years