Jarvia Finley walked down the dark hallway with a fast passe and turned to her left.
She opened the door and went in looking very importent like. Everyone in the room gave her their full attention. She took her seat at the head of the table and motioned for everybody else to sit down. Her head of defense, *A.N.O. second in comand, and the General of the A.N.O. Air Force were on her right and on her left was Tyson Stroop, General of the 83rd Army, Heinrich Borman, General of the 107th Army, and Major General Zeno Travis from the 23rd Infantry Division.
"Thankyou gentleman for coming on such short notice. My apologizes for running a bit late myself. I've called this breaf meeting to confirm that you all know, now that the American Allies …show more content…
Your the best pool player and I know you couldn't miss that shot if you didn't want to." G.T. said.
"Are you saying I should play pool more often?"
"No. I'm just saying playing a game like pool helps you to tell the truth." G.T. pocketed another ball.
"That's a funny idea but I guess your inclined to think what you like, G.T." replied Jarvia. G.T. smiled and put another ball in a pocket.
"Just trying to find stuff to talk about. You don't seem to be talking much today Jarvia, did you get out the bed the wrong side this morning or something?" said G.T.
"No," Jarvia laughed, "I've just been thinking about Blake. Do you think he'd of changed much?"
"Nut," G.T. answered.
"Why not?"
"Guys like him don't change, they stay just as bad or good looking all their life. He's probably still the same blond, texas boy we met in High school." Jarvia laughed,
"Well, we better go and get that paperwork done," she said, "we can't have too late a night or we'll be too tired to practice for Friday night's