
Personal Narrative: Grandfather's Death

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I believe in cherishing your loved ones before they leave you forever. It seems that all thought your childhood you believe that your loved ones will never die. “Grandpa will never die” I thought when I was younger. It turns out I was very wrong. He was diagnosed with stomach cancer when I was 8. When I was 9, his cancer progressed and the doctors had to take out his stomach. He had to be fed through a tube in his stomach just so he could live. He suffered so much and was in so much pain. I remember looking into his eyes and seeing so much pain and sadness. I cried every night because of how much pain he went through. When he died, I wouldn’t talk to anybody besides my little sister. He was one of my closest friends, I would sit with him as he played sudoku, talking and laughing about life. Around the time when he died, that’s when my depression started. I couldn't concentrate on anything, eat, or sleep, my mind was filled with the thoughts of my grandpa and I found myself falling into a deep depression. His death impacted my life so much. His death caused me to lose many nights of …show more content…

I kept lying to myself that he would be okay but the day he died, I was truly heartbroken. Once he died on the first day of summer, right after school ended, I didn’t know what to do. I spent my entire summer crying myself to sleep and waking up crying from my dreams that I had with him. Every year on our birthday, September 27, I cry because I look at myself in the mirror and remind myself of him. Before he died, I used to love my birthday with all of my heart. But now, I hate my birthday because it just reminds me that I didn’t love my Grandpa enough before he died. Every day I wish I had said or done something better to him before he died so he felt loved. Don’t take your loved ones for granted and cherish them while they are still here. Ignoring the situation does not help you in times like these, it just makes everything

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