| To lift up something as small and as at hand as a pebble or a saltcellar on the table.…
What is the link between parental over protectiveness and authoritarianism and the development of dependent personality traits in children? Parental over protectiveness and authoritarianism serve simultaneously to 1) reinforce dependent behaviors in children of both sexes and 2) prevent the child from developing independent, autonomous behaviors (since the parents do not permit the child to engage in the kinds of trial-and-error learning that are involved in developing a sense of independence and mastery during childhood). Thus, when parental over protectiveness or parental authoritarianism is characteristic of the family unit, this will tend to produce high levels of dependency in children, since both parental controls foster and encourage dependent behavior. When both parental over protectiveness and authoritarianism are present within the family unit, dependency in children is particularly likely to result (Robert Bornstein, pg. 41).…
Baumrind (1967) suggests that the majority of parents display one of three different parenting styles. Authoritarian is the first style of parenting considered by Baumrind. This is where the parent uses strict discipline and leaves no opportunity for the child to negotiate. An example of a phrase used by an authoritarian parent may be “No you can not”, however, this may lead to the child rebelling at some point, therefore making it hard to impose rules. Permissive, The second parenting style, relies on imposing few rules or boundaries, the impact of which may be both negative and positive. The positive impact of this approach is that it may lead to better social skills. Alternatively the negative impact may be that the child could lack personal responsibility. To paraphrase, an example a parent may use with this parenting style may be “Well if you do not feel like it”, however, Baumrind contests that if a child’s behavior needs to be altered it may be difficult to do so with this parenting style. The third parenting style considered by Baumrind is authoritative. This is where the parents set clear standards and no punitive punishments.…
First, an Authoritarian Father would be someone who is highly demanding and directive, but not responsive. He is obedient, status-oriented and expects his orders to be obeyed. This Father provides a well-ordered and structured environment with clearly stated rules. If these rules were not to be followed, a punishment would be given. This style of parenting doesn’t allow room for questioning the rules and does not explain them. The Father has high demands on his children and is not responsive to them. Effects of an authoritarian parenting…
Sociologist Jeanne Ballantine describes authoritative parenting as “demanding and responsive, controlling but not restrictive” like authoritarian practices. (Ballantine) This parenting style makes compromises between parent and child. (King) There is still a sense of control, but the relationship between parent and child are more understanding and are able to talk things through when there is a dilemma using warmth and nurture. (King, 288) Ballantine and The Science of Psychology textbook describe children that have been raised under authoritative parents have “higher levels of competence, social development, self-perception, and mental health than those raised in authoritarian, permissive, or neglectful homes.” (King,…
Both of my parents placed as an authoritarian parental style. Their parenting style had a huge effect on me. Because of there high control and low warmth I learned where my attachment came from. I do not expect my parents to be a permissive because I do not want to have everything my way, I do not want to a uninvolved parent because I need the love, affection and support from both parents. We can not choose how we want our parents to be.…
My mom contained high expectations of me seeing as though I was the first born. My parents expected me to be mature, well behaved, and to excel academically. My mom's expectations primarily were realistic and typically attainable. However, when I made a mistake my mom was okay that I learned from my mistakes. After my parents divorce I started to realize my father adopted the authoritarian style to parenting me and my younger siblings. My dad was extremely strict he enforced tough rules and incredibly high expectations. For instance, I received a bad report from school and my dad took away television, video games, and sweets from me for two weeks. In elementary school, I developed new skills like reading, writing, learning to write in cursive, and mathematical skills. I attended a Christian school so I also gained knowledge on the Bible and Christian values. Since I excelled in Erik Erikson's industry vs inferiority stage it helped build my self esteem and confidence. My academic performance pleased my parents and therefore encouraged me to continue to put forth effort in school. According to Erikson I believe that I conquered the industry stage because my productivity throughout the years has led me to…
Since I grew up in a family with an abusive father, my response to conflict differs from most people. My father resolved conflict by shouting, degrading, and often physically abusing the other person. My mother’s response to conflict was to try to settle a compromise or walk away until her own frustration was no longer there. I think based off the conflict responses I observed growing up, my responses are a mixture of my parents. When in an intense argument with someone, I attack their character and then silence them out. Family members play a big part in how we resolve conflicts, because a good portion of our lives begin by us spending time with and watching our relatives. We, as a society, adapt skills and mannerisms from those closest to…
At this point, my parents with their individual viewpoint started to have variance on me adapting to the new environment. Having different perspective towards society's operation caused tension within our family. Now the question arises," Don't parents realize that too much parental control halts child's personal growth?" Such type of parenting style is referred to as authoritarian. "Authoritarian parents utilize strict and harsh child rearing techniques with an absolute set of standards to which children must conform while permissive parents provide too few rules, boundaries, or restrictions for their children" (Chong, et al 1). Parents must not adopt authoritarian parenting style as it contributes to such behavior which is never welcomed by them when presented and further leads to tension within the family. This parenting style develops such consequences which leave kids down with psychological and personality disorders, consisting problems like fear of failing at each step of life, withdrawing oneself from socializing and turning out to be authoritarian towards parents as an…
One of the similarities between authoritarian and authoritative is that they both expect high demands on their children. Not only do they have high demands but they expect their children to obey the rules along with the parents. Authoritarian parents expect their children to except the punishments that they are given without questioning. Where authoritative parenting are more open to seeing their kids sides of the situation and how they choose to punish themselves. This shows that authoritarian parents tend to have high physiological control. Children from authoritarian families tend to perform well in school and clear away from bad influences. But with that, they have low social skills, which can causes them to be at risk for depression. Children from indulgent homes are more likely to become involved in bad situations which causes them to perform low in school. But they have higher self esteem and amazing social skills, with a high shot of developing depression. It is important to understand the different styles of parenting and the way they work. In the United States authoritative parenting is the most common especially among the middle class. There are some exceptions to this general statement, however: (1) demandingness appears to be less critical to girls' than to boys' well-being (Weiss & Schwarz), and (2) authoritative parenting predicts psychosocial outcomes and problem behaviors for adolescents in all ethnic groups studied (African-, Asian-, European-, and Hispanic Americans), but it is associated with academic performance only among European Americans and, to a lesser extent, Hispanic Americans…
Based on the first day, I loved it and don’t want to go back to the United States for a while. There were prestigious architectures, exciting activities, and many unusual animals. Growing up in India wouldn't be the worst possible life and I wouldn't run out of activities to do for sure. Although, poverty is a big issue nationwide and needs to be brought to the government's attention. Many families are walking the streets, asking other people for money to buy clothes, a house, and provide a life for their children. After the first day life is surely not the same in India as it is in the United States. Some girls in India aren’t thoroughly educated, females aren’t treated the same as males, a caste system is still existing in certain areas,…
According to Kendra Cherry, a child dealing with an authoritarian parent generally leads to an obedient and proficient child. However, they rank lower in happiness, social competence, and self-esteem. In 1960, the American Psychiatric Association did a study where parents had to take on the roles of their children; to try and understand where they come from. Why they can’t accomplish this it proves to them, that sometimes its not as easy being an adolescent that parents believe it is. (Authoritarian Parents and Disturbed Children, Aponte, Adams, Schawb) parents tend to say things like “you have no bills to pay, what do you have to sress about.” They fail to realize that bills are not the main focus of their stress, therefore it wont be the main stress of ours.…
My family environment has influenced me a lot especially when my siblings were born. I am the oldest out of five, so I'm always look up to. I always had to make a good example and never show that I was scared. When my mom and stepdad had to work, I would take care of them until they came back while getting my schoolwork and practicing my instrument done too. I never really had a chance to be a kid, I always had to be a mother to my siblings. I would always wish for more time in the day for myself, Although watching them grow up from when they were small and started school for the first time made up for that loss time. I live up to a quote, "Be the master of your future, not the slave of your problems." My senior year I had to stop being…
Shouts and laughter echo throughout the kitchen as my grandparents recount stories of growing up in Mexico as young adults. Everyone’s eyes light up with animation as family members contribute to the conversation while eating homemade tamales and menudo. At each of my family holiday gatherings, the dinner goes beyond the consumption of a home cooked meal. These family gatherings are very important to me and have contributed to who I am today.…
Most children develop pretty similarly. They are born, they learn to crawl then walk and then run. My life didn’t start that way. I was born in February of 1994 in Redwood City, California to two loving parents. My parents were in their late twenties when they had me and were anxious to start a family. They had been married for seven years by the time I was born so I was brought into a very stable environment. Although my mother had taken good care of herself throughout her pregnancy, my health upon birth was not what they expected it to be. My mother recalls seeing me for the first and asking the nurse what was on my back. It was soon realized that I had a closed meingocele on the lower section of my back meaning that I had Spina Bifida.…